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CAT_IMG Posted on 8/9/2010, 11:22     +1   -1

Il Nuovo Aizen più hollow che mai:



CAT_IMG Posted on 29/9/2010, 11:49     +1   -1


422 the silent story

In SS's Karakura, Karakura's repairs and recovery are underway, while Mayuri's subordinates prepare to transition it back.
In the middle of town, Mayuri tells the shinigami taking stock of the situation for transfer that there won't be Senkaimon for transfer because there's danger, so they halt.
"The margin of error is only 10!", so he screams at his subordinates to 'Hurry-! You'll die--!'.
"Your naivete is gonna make me puke", says Mayuri.

I'm finishing Hiyori's treatment, but for now she'll be alright, says Unohana, to Lisa who's been asking if she's saved.
Thank you... Unohana-san, says Hirako. "Why would you need to thank me? I'm merely saving the lives of our nakama, your words of gratitude are unnecessary", says Unohana.
"I wasn't planning on being nakama, but that idiot Hiyori got that badly hurt..." Hirako sighs. "So I will thank you again.... Unohana san," says Hirako.

Kenpachi (and Yachiru) and Byakuya arrive at SS and meet their divisions. They call for the medical division for their wounds. "How was the fighting?", asks his division, "it wasn't boring," says Kenpachi.

Hueco Mundo. The puppy approaches the fallen Yammi. It barks loudly. A blank eye opens, and Yammi looks toward the barking. The puppy wags it's tail happily.
"Why'd ya come here... Stupid dog..." sighs Yammi. Then his eyes go white. (he died?)

In SS's Karakura town, Ichigo's standing while Urahara's shouting at him. Everyone's asking Ichigo
"I know everyone wants to talk to Kurosaki-san, but, please it'll have to be the same story..., Urahara continues, "No way, what're you gonna to their memory?" says Ichigo.
"This time I won't change it", Urahara laughs, "Oh, that's good, I won't have to hide it anymore, I don't want to have to explain again, " laughs Ichigo.
"Well, the sealed Aizen will have to be dealt with by central 46, " says Urahara.
"Oh yeah, that.." Ichigo says, "Why are you making that face?" asks Urahara.
"I don't know, " Ichigo smiles, "You don't need to make that face when you did the right thing," says Urahara.
Ichigo asks, "Are you sure that Aizen's truly been rejected by the Hougyoku now? Dad says that the Hougyoku has the ability to detect and confuse the hearts around it."
"It that's so, what if Aizen's ambitioned power was actually gone..." he wonders.
"While I was fighting on par with him, I was able to feel his sword," says Ichigo, "That sword was asking not to be left in solitude."
"From the point of Aizen's birth had passed, Aizen's always had his gaze on someone as if he's been searching for it, I think,
That the moment he gave up because he couldn't see it, I wonder where his desire to be a shinigami in his heart went to...." says Ichigo
Someone asks, "IS that Kurosaki-kun?". The view pans around to Orihime, then Ishida, Chad, Rukai and Renji.
Ichigo wonders, "I wonder if it's alright to wake up now,", "What do you mean, you idiot..." says Rukia
Orihime says, "It's really Kurosaki-kun... I thought I couldn't be wrong but your hair's gotten long so.... Thank.... Thank goodness," while tears well up in her eyes.
"Of course it's me, my head's just messed up all over... " and Ichigo collapses.
"Ichigo!" everyone shouts, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Ichigo shouts, and it's off to next issue.
CAT_IMG Posted on 30/9/2010, 10:08     +1   -1

CAT_IMG Posted on 27/10/2010, 15:51     +1   -1

Credits: Muguruma
Verification: Confirmed
Translation: Saladesu @MH

BLEACH 424. The Lost Agent

SPOILER (click to view)
空座町 午前7時 月曜日

ユウレイは、 見えない。

寝起きの一護 眠ぃと一言。

センターカラー、1話目と同じ感じでイチゴが前面に、バックにキャラが数名(たつきとか石田と か)いるけど みんな後ろ向いてる。

制服に着替えた一護 台所までいくとゆずが制服姿でジャーンと登場。髪を後ろで二つに縛って る。
入学式の日まで制服姿を見せないでいたのに、今全然みてくれないお兄ちゃんなんか知らないとい いつつも一護 にごはんをよそうゆず。
そのやりとりを見てるかりん、自分の周りにくっついてるユウレイのメガネに箸をつきたてる。一 護はそれが見 えない。
そこへ大声でゆずの名を呼びながら、入学式にきていくスーツと、どの蝶ネクタイが似合うか聞い てくる。
ゆず、うん、いいんじゃないかな どうでも。と興味なさげ。一心ショック。
かりんとゆずは一心と中学へ。一護の霊力がなくなったころからかりんの霊力が強くなり、今では ハイスペック な霊媒体質はかりんのものに。
3-3と書かれた教室に入ると、たつきが一護に鉄拳持ってきた?ときいてくる。かりんは空鶴くらいの 髪の長さに 。
持ってきた持ってきたといいながらバッグを開ける一護。そこには古びた死神代行証が。かりんに 鉄拳を返す一 護。
代行証は返しそびれていて、死神の力を失ってからは代行証の機能も停止したらしく、視覚防壁も 警報もならな くなってただの板になっている。
屋上でケイゴと進路の話をする一護。一護は入学したころは成績よかったけど1年後半から落ちた もんなーとケ イゴ。
あの頃は色々忙しかったんだよ、それにまだ中の上だと一護。そこでルキアちゃん何してんだろう なとケイゴが つぶやく。
空座町の担当は外れてるんだから普通だろと一護。淋しくね?ときくケイゴに淋しいわけねえだろ と一護。
16年かけて手に入れた普通の生活。このまま死ぬまで平和結構と一護。それもそーだ、俺もあんな怖 い思いも うしたくねえしとケイゴ。
ユウレイが見えて優越感はなかった、それで食っていこうとも思わなかったし、誰かを助けたいと も思ったこと はなかった。
一護、ケイゴ、水色三人の帰り途中、目の前からバックを持った男がすり抜ける。それを追いかけ る大柄な男。
それをナイフの切っ先をうまく指の間に通し、ナイフを持った手をそのまま受け止めもう一度殴る 。
死神の頃、勝つために鍛えた体と反射神経は今でも残っていて、これも死神だったことを証明する もののひとつ 。
バッグを持ち主である背の高い男に返す一護。オールバックの髪形をした男はお礼をいいつつ、ラ ーメンとかお ごってやるよと上機嫌。
そうか、残念だなと男。一護が去ったあとバッグを持ち上げると開いたファスナーから一護と同じ 死神代行証が 。
意外と用心深いんだなぁ、黒崎一護とつぶやく男と、BLEACH424. The Lost Agent 死神代行消失篇という題字で次号。

BLEACH Chapter 424. The Lost Agent

Karakura Town, 7am, Monday

Kurosaki Ichigo/17 years old
Hair Color/Orange
Eye Color/Brown
Occupation/High School Student
As for spirits, I can’t see them (TN: this is exactly the same as the first chapter of Bleach, save for his age and inability to see spirits)

Ichigo wakes up, saying “I’m sleepy”

Center color looks similar to the one from the first chapter – Ichigo is in front, with numerous characters in the background (such as Tatsuki and Ishida), but everyone is facing towards the bacl.

Ichigo changes into his school uniform. When he goes to the kitchen, Yuzu appears in her uniform and goes “ta~da!”. She has her hair tied back in 2 pigtails.
However, Ichigo doesn’t give much of a reaction to that and just asks her to pass the soy sauce. Yuzu gets angry with him over that as she passes him the soy sauce.
“I went through all that effort to keep what I look like in my new uniform a secret, and now that I’m showing it to you, you won’t even look at me! I’ve never seen a brother like that,” Yuzu passes Ichigo the rice.
At that, Ichigo murmurs, “I’m looking alright, and your zipper’s open”
Karin watches this exchange, and pokes her chopsticks at the glasses of a spirit that is hovering around her. Ichigo does not see this at all.
Isshin appears, calling Yuzu’s name loudly, asking which bowtie he should wear with the suit he is wearing to her entrance ceremony.
Yuzu: “Yeah, it’s alright, either one is fine”, she doesn’t seem interested at all. isshin is shocked.
It has been 17 months since that battle, a little over a year. Ichigo has become a third year student.
With regards to his Shinigami powers, when Ichigo was sleeping, Chad and the rest had told Keigo and the rest all about it, seeming to trust them with it.
Ichigo says that he’s happy that they had accepted it without saying anything.
Mizuiro is waiting for him outside when he leaves the house, he has a new hairstyle with his ears hidden by his hair, a little like Rukia.
Karin and Yuzu go to the middle school with Isshin. Ever since Ichigo lost his spiritual powers, Karin’s has gotten stronger, and Karin now has hi-spec spiritual disposition.
She doesn’t discuss it with Ichigo, so it seems they have reached some sort of mutual understanding on the matter.
When they reach school, Keigo comes dashing towards them. Ichigo does a pro-wrestling move as he greets him.
It seems Mizuiro is now in a different class, so he heads to his own class saying “see you at lunch”
Inside a classroom labeled 3-3, Tatsuki asks if Ichigo has brought the Tekken (TN: fist? it’s also the name of a game). Karin (TN: I think this might be a typo. 69ruma might mean Tatsuki) hair is now as long as Kuukaku’s.
Ichigo opens his bag saying “I brought it, I brought it”. In his bag is the old Shinigami replacement identification. Ichigo passes the Tekken to Karin (TN: Tatuski?)
He didn’t get a chance to return the shinigami replacement identification , and since he lost his powers it has stopped working as well, it’s just a wooden plank now that it can neither serve as an alarm, and now normal people can see it too.
But it is also the only remaining proof that Ichigo was once a shinigami.
Ichigo absently plays with the badge even during lessons. Suddenly, there is a voice, “Ishida! Where are you going!”
Ishida runs away shouting “Nurse’s office!” (it’s not clear whether they are in the same class)
Now Ishida has taken on the role of Hollow purifications. It seems the afro dude is even more unreliable than expected.
And since that day, Rukia has not come by Karakura town even once.
Ichigo talks about university choices on the roof with Keigo. Keigo: “Ichigo, your grades had been good when we first entered high school, but somewhere in the middle of the first year you started failing”
Ichigo: “I was busy with all sorts of things then, and I’m still above average”
Keigo murmurs: “I wonder how Rukia-chan’s doing”
Ichigo: “Why are you suddenly bringing up Rukia?”
Keigo: “She’s so cold, she hasn’t even shown her face since that day”
Ichigo: ‘That’s to be expected, she’s no longer in charge off Karakura town.”
Keigo: “Aren’t you lonely?”
Ichigo: “No way”

Ichigo: “Only from the time when I was 16, did I finally get to live a normal life. I’m fine if I could live peacefully like this until I die.”
Keigo: That’s true, I don’t want to feel that sort of fear again”
Ichigo: “I never felt superior just because I could see spirits. I never thought of making a living off that either, and neither did I think of helping others with that power. I longed for a life where I couldn’t see spirits, and it’s come true”
A guy carrying a bag slips past Ichigo, Keigo, Mizuiro, who are on their way back to the classroom. A hefty guy is chasing after the other guy.
Ichigo passes his bag to Mizuiro and chases after the guy who is running away.
He catches up to the guy and punches by the guy when he turns around. The guy who falls to the ground stands up again and pulls out a knife to counterattack, but Ichigo manages to catch the knife’s blade between his fingers and stop the hand holding the knife and punch him again.
The body and reflexes he had trained as a shinigami in order to win are still with him, also another of the proofs that he was once a shinigami.
Ichigo returns the bag to the owner, who is the tall guy. His hair is all swept back, and he thanks Ichigo, and humorously says that he’ll even treat Ichigo to ramen.
Ichigo rejects the offer and walks away, adding that he’ll get into trouble so keep it a secret that he’d hit someone.
Guy: “I see, that’s a pity”
After Ichigo leaves, he opens the zipper of his bag, and just like Ichigo, he is holding onto a replacement shinigami identification.
Guy: “He’s a surprisingly wary one, isn’t he, that Kurosaki Ichigo”
BLEACH 424. The Lost Agent
The disappearance of the Shinigami Replacement arc.

SPOILER (click to view)

~Ebi Tempura
CAT_IMG Posted on 10/11/2010, 15:33     +1   -1

By 69ruma:

Ishida is the student council president
He's writing the summary now so have to wait a bit.
There's a new female character (she's pregnant) and Yoko-chan from a long time ago.

One of the delinquents rushes at Ishida and screams that he’ll kill him. Ichigo takes him down with a judo move and starts counting.
“What the hell are you doing” the delinquent named Kobuda screams to his subordinate. “That’s Kurosaki!”
Ishida kicks Ichigo from behind. “Why did you come here!” he asks. Ichigo answers, “I came to draw you back.”
During their convo Kobuda yells, “You’re Kurosaki?” Both Ishida and Ichigo punch him in the face.
You shouldn’t butt into things that don’t concern you! It became my business a little while ago, when you consider that I became the student council president.
The remaining delinquent says, “Your fight is with us!!” and rushes them. The two of them sweep him away as they continue to argue.
From their convo it appears Ishida started exterminating hollows after receiving a request from Urahara’s shop.
This isn’t the place to discuss hollows. Email me later,” says Ishida. “Since when have I known your email address?” says Ichigo
Ishidas shows Ichigo the mobile he was given when he was Urahara’s assistant but says that most likely it can’t be used here.
“That’s Kurosaki! Long time no see!!” says the delinquent. “Don’t you remember my face?” Ichigo tries to remember.
“Yoki-chin! Yoko-chin!” he cries. That’s all Ichigo can remember.
After Yoko-chin was beaten by Ichigo his father was transferred and so he moved away. He’s back after 4 years.
Yoko-chin tries to attack him but he’s kicked in the head from behind.
The mystery person sweeps away the remaining delinquents. “Looks fun, Ichigo-chaaan!”
“Who’s that” asks Ishida. “Boss…” says Ichigo. “I won’t let you play hooky anymore. Now behave yourself!!” she cries.
“No way!!” answers Ichigo. In an instant she grabs ichigo, tosses him into her van and drives off.
Ishida stares with wonder. “Who is that who can carry Kurosaki away in an instant!”
Students who witnessed it tell the teacher that Kurosaki has been stolen away.
The woman tosses a tied up Ichigo onto a sofa. Ichigo says to remove the tape. She says she’ll remove it if he doesn’t run away.
The telephone rings and the woman picks up the receiver. It’s somebody calling for two orders of special unagi.
“This isn’t an unagi house!” she responds. Ichigo says he’s told her many times she should change the name of the store.
She says she refuses to change the important name passed down through generations.
The woman’s name is Unagiya Ikumi. Ichigo calls her “you” and she says to call her “Mikumi-san.”
During their dialog Ikumi hands Ichigo some commissions to carry out. Ichigo says she can do those types of things herself.
She says she’s busy with other matters. Why does he think she hired him?
Just then there’s a cry of “Mama, where are you?” from the other side of the door. “Oh, no!” Ikumi cries. She takes off her hat and let’s down her hair. She puts on an apron.
Suddenly the door knob turns and the door opens. Ikumi’s daughter Kaoru appears, saying she’s hungry.
Ikumi’s tone of voice completely changes. “Are you ok, Kaoru-chan?”
Kaoru looks at Ichigo. “Oh, stupid Kurosaki’s here. Why’d you come?
Mama’s a pretty lady, so don’t you get too familiar with her!” She sticks her tongue out and pulls down her eyelid.
Ikumi tells Kaoru to go to the other room. Then she apologizes to Ichigo. That child’s never going to become attached to you. It seems you want to say something but I don’t have the patience.
“It doesn’t interest you that I have something to say?” says Ichigo, feeling insulted.
“Time to go to work!” says Ikumi. The clock chimes and as Ikumi is leaving the big man Ichigo helped appears. But his mood has changed.
Ichigo says he’s the guy from the other day. The man holds out some ramen. Ichigo takes a looks questioningly at the food.
“You’re wrong, this is an unagi house,” he says. Ikumi screams, “This is not an unagi house!” Next chapter.

Sosuke Aizen (Ivan)
CAT_IMG Posted on 15/6/2011, 12:26     +1   -1

nuova trasformazione per ichigo a quanto pare
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